
“...So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who always pray; And worship your Lord until certainty comes to you...”

Qur’an [Al Hijr 15:98-99]

Looking for a space to pray your daily prayer, attend Jumuah or reconnect spiritually while at the hospital?

The MMAC has crowdsourced information on prayer spaces in hospitals across Canada, for the benefit of fellow Canadian Muslim healthcare workers and the wider Muslim community.

We offer our gratitude to hospital administrations for providing these sanctuaries for Canada’s growing Muslim community, and hope this database helps identify gaps in inclusive services and spaces within the Canadian health system.

For spaces requiring an access code or PIN, the information will only be available on the members portal for security purposes. 

Can’t see your hospital on the list and have information to share about a prayer space for Canadian Muslims?

Let us know!

Select your province or territory:

AB      BC     MB     NB     NS     ON     QC     SK


Location: 2nd floor, spiritual care 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer spaces 

Amenities: Prayer mats, dedicated space for sisters 

Location: FMC main floor 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Friday (Jumuah) prayers

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: Main floor, room 1103, chapel

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, chairs

Location: Main floor, chapel 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: Main floor, between cafe and pharmacy 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran

Location: Interfaith Worship Centre – 1410 Active Treatment Centre (ATC)  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: 5th floor Prayer Centre

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, it’s a shared place 

Amenities: Dedicated space for sisters, prayer mats, hijabs/shawls, tasbeeh, Quran, chairs

British Columbia

Location: Sacred space room located on the main floor next to the admin office  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Prayer mats  

Location: Main floor of Blackmore Pavilion, near the West 12th Ave entrance  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Prayer mats, hijabs/shawls, chairs 


Location: 2nd floor, Green Owl Zone, near the 24-hour lounge  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services   

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, chairs.   

Location: Basement, adjacent to shared cafeteria  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services   

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, chairs, hijabs, shawls 

Location: 2nd floor, section C, near chapel 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, dedicated space for sisters, chairs  

Location: Main floor in the spiritual services office   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers 

Amenities: Small prayer area within the office   

Location: Multi-faith prayer room on ground floor through Urgent Care office   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily Prayers, Optional Prayers, Non-Muslim Prayer Services (i.e. it is a shared space) 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Chairs   

New Brunswick

Location: Miramichi Islamic Center, 514 Water St. Miramichi, NB  

Availability: Prayer times only 

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, chairs, dedicated space for sisters 

Nova Scotia

Location: 2nd level beside the healing garden

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats 

Location: Meditation/chapel by the entrance  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs

Location: Centennial Building, 2nd floor, next to entrance to chapel, on the corridor of ophthalmology clinics 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs


Location: 2nd floor, take a left and another left after exiting the Fall elevators  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services, optional prayers 

Amenities: Dedicated space for sisters, prayer mats, Quran, chairs

Location: A wing, level 2 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran

Location:  Staff room or mulicultual area/ church

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Friday (Jumuah) Prayers, Non-Muslim Prayer Services (i.e. it is a shared space) 

Amenities: Chairs, Wudu Area

Location: 3rd floor, spirituality room

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs

Location: Main floor, next to the pharmacy

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services:  Daily Prayers, Non-Muslim Prayer Services  

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between Brothers and Sisters sections, prayer mats, Quran, chairs

Location: Main level, diagonally across from the gift shop 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs

Location: Level 3, next to food court

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: Main floor, chapel 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: Main floor, chapel, behind elevators 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs.  

Location: North tower, 1st floor, chapel 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services:  Optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Chairs  

Location: 5th floor (sacred space)

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services:  Daily prayers, Jumuah prayers 

Amenities: Chairs  

Location: Main atrium, beside security office, across from the elevators  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services:  Non-Muslim Prayer Services  

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs  

Location: Level 1, South Tower  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services:  Daily prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, chairs, wudu station with foot wash sink   

Location: Main floor   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats removed since Covid pandemic 

Location: Sydenham 3, Room 390  

Availability: Weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6.45 p.m.

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Quran, chairs

Location: 478, 479 East Wing  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Access code required, get the fob/badge from Unity Health Toronto  

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Notes: Just an empty conference room at the moment  

Location: Second floor, meditation room  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats

Location: Level 2, Spritual Room (behind Red Section elevators)

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers  

Amenities: Quran, dedicated space for sisters 

Location: The multi-faith/meditation room is down the hallway opposite the 1 North elevators, turn right following signs for the board room, and is on your left beside the volunteers room. 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk in

Prayer Services: Daily Prayers, Optional Prayers, Non-Muslim Prayer Services (i.e. it is a shared space)

Amenities: Quran, prayer mats, chairs

Location: 4th floor, exit through University Ave elevators and turn right. Enter through doors right beside the registration/volunteer desk   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services   

Amenities: Quran, prayer mats, hijabs/shawls, chairs 

Location: Main floor, chapel, opposite gift shop 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services   

Notes: Quran, prayer mats, tasbeeh, chairs 

Location: Main floor 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs

Location: First floor, near C elevators

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran, chairs, hijab/shawls

Location: First floor, near Tim Hortons 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran, chairs, hijab/shawls

Location: Main level, between registration and pre-admission unit 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Code/PIN required

Prayer Services: Friday (Jumuah) prayers, non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran, chairs, hijab/shawls

Location: Main floor, Room M909  

Availability: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers  

Amenities:  Dedicated space for sisters 

Location: 2nd floor near the main entrance 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayers  

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran

Location: Main floor, across main entrance  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs 

Location: 1st floor of the Atrium

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers 

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, prayer mats, Quran. No wudhu area.

Location: Main floor, chapel 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Access code/PIN required 

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, hijabs/shawls 

Location: 1st floor near ICU, Marian Wing

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers 

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, prayer mats, Quran. No wudhu area. 

Location: Level 1 zone B

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers 

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, chairs, hijab/shawls  

Location: Main floor, in the hallway between centre stairs and main elevators, it is the right hand side door immediately before the chapel doors.   A remove shoes sign is on the door. 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Access is 24/7.  If door is locked, simply ask Security to unlock it.  Security is on main floor by main entrance in the East Wing. 

Prayer Services: Daily Prayers, Optional Prayers, Non-Muslim Prayer Services

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Tasbeeh, chairs, Wudu mate station is available.  Any of the washrooms can be used for Wudu as well.

Location: Multi-faith room, 2nd Floor, Morrow Wing, Room 2M20  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim prayer services

Amenities:  Chairs  

Location: 3rd floor 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Optional prayers  

Notes:  Quiet room

Location: Bond wing 3010 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Code/PIN required  

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers  

Amenities:  Physical barriers/partition between brothers and sisters, Quran, chairs

Location: E wing, across McLaughlin Auditorium 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Code/PIN required

Prayer Services: Daily prayers 

Amenities:  Partition between brothers and sisters, prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, chairs, hijab/shawls  

Location: Muslim Association of Tillsonburg at 169 Broadway, 10 minutes walk from the hospital 

Availability: Prayer times only 

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, chairs

Location: 1 GW-557, 1st Floor, Gerrard Wing

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, prayer mats, Quran, chairs

Location: Fell Pavilion, 4th floor, Room 108  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers 

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, dedicated space  for sisters, prayer mats, Quran, chairs

Location: Main floor, left from the pharmacy

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers; optional prayers; non-Muslim prayer services

Amenities: Prayer mats, hijabs/shawls

Location: 1st floor, near main entrance opposite Tim Hortons 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, Quran, chairs

Location: 3rd floor, D wing  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers

Amenities: Physical barrier/partition between brothers and sisters sections, chairs


Location: Level A block 9, next to pharmacy   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, hijabs/shawls, chairs 

Location: Pavilion D, 2nd floor, in front of escalators near the main cafeteria  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Chairs 

Location: Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM : situé au Pavillon De Bullion, 1er étage, Porte 6-138A

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim Prayer Services 

Amenities: Chairs  

Location: Étage 11, Pavillon Maisonneuve, accessible par l’ascenseur proche de la cafétéria principale au rez de chaussée/aux étages ou par l’escalier. 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Non-Muslim Prayer Services 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Tasbeeh, chairs 

Location: Pavilion B, 6th floor, across from solarium  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities: Chairs 

Location: Room A 02.0045, spirituality room 

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services  

Amenities:  Prayer mats, Quran, tasbeeh, hijabs/shawls, chairs 

Location: 6th floor, D wing, past security and hospitality corner   

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, Non-Muslim prayer services, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: Pavilion D, level 2, room D6-165. Easiest access if from Level 2 of Pavilion A. Continue walking past the cardiology department to reach Pavilion D. The prayer room is on your left  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Walk-in

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers, Non-Muslim prayer services, optional prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, Quran, hijabs/shawls, chairs


Location: Main building, 4th floor (old hospital, not the new JCPH)  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Access Code/PIN required 

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, Friday (Jumuah) prayers 

Amenities: Prayer mats, chairs

Location: 2nd floor, Room 2.85.3  

Availability: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Access: Access Code/PIN required

Prayer Services: Daily prayers, optional prayers, non-Muslim prayer services

Amenities: Prayer mats, attached washroom