“The(characteristics of the) fitrah are five: circumcision, …”
Are you looking for a circumcision clinic in Canada?
Male circumcision (Khitan/Khatna) is a religious practice performed by Muslims worldwide, similar to many other faith groups and communities.
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Select your province or territory:
British Columbia
City: Kewlona
Name of Physician: Dr. Marvin Bailey
Techniques/Services: Pollock Techniques
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: http://gentleprocedureskelowna.ca
Email/Phone: 778-746-6332
City: Winnipeg
Name of Physician: Dr. Jay Buenafe
Techniques/Services: Pollock Techniques, Shang Ring
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://buenafeclinic.com/circumcision/
Email/Phone: drjay@buenafeclinic.com / 204-697-9013
City: The Pas
Name of Physician: Dr. Alaa Aboulhoda
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): Free if for medical reasons or under 28 years old
Website: https://northernhealthregion.com/
Email/Phone: thepasclinic@nrha.ca / 204-623-3334
City: Newcastle
Name of Physician: Dr. Aubrey Kassirer
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Frenectomy
Approximate Cost(s): $400+
Website: https://thebowmanvillehospitalfoundation.com
Email/Phone Contact: 905-623-3331 x 21881
City: Toronto
Name of Physician: Dr. Aubie Diamond
Techniques/Services: Mogen Clamp
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://diamondcircumcision.com
Email/Phone Contact: 905-889-2517
City: Hamilton
Name of Physician: Dr. Henry Siu
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: N/A
Email/Phone Contact: 905-575-1300
City: Mississauga
Name of Physician: Dr. Shuja Hafiz
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants, Children
Approximate Cost(s): $400+
Website: https://dr-shuja-hafiz.edan.io/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-569-9798
City: Ottawa/Gatineau
Name of Physician: Dr. Mohammed Slim
Techniques/Services: Pollock
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Frenectomy
Approximate Cost(s): $400+
Website: https://gentleproceduresottawa.ca
Email/Phone Contact: 343-777-0440
City: Toronto
Name of Physician: Dr. Roland Sing, Dr. Emmanuel Kanu
Techniques/Services: Pollock
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Frenectomy
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://gentleprocedurestoronto.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: 416-551-7070
City: Oakville
Name of Physician: Dr. Muhammad Tasneem
Techniques/Services: Bell and Manual
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): $300-$800
Website: https://glenashtonmedicalcentre.weebly.com/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-897-9000, 905-582-4929
City: Toronto
Name of Physician: Dr. Mark Greenberg
Techniques/Services: Mogen Circumcision
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): $250
Website: www.drgreenberg.ca
Email/Phone Contact: 416-661-0004
City: Scarborough
Name of Physician: Dr. Salam Al-Attar
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp, Mogan Clamp, Plastibell
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://circumcisionclinic.ca
Email/Phone Contact: info@circumcisionclinic.ca/ 416-792-2654
City: Mississauga
Name of Physician: Dr. Mehvish Jawaid
Techniques/Services: Mogen Clamp
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): $250
Website: https://www.maltonmedicalcentre.com
Email/Phone Contact: Shyamila.maltonmedical@gmail.com, 905-667-4200
City: Markham
Name of Physician: Dr. Adeel Sheikh, Dr Larry Pencer
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): OHIP (if applicable), or $1,700
Website: https://www.oakvalleyhealth.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-472-7373
City: Hamilton
Name of Physician: Dr. Luis Braga
Techniques/Services: Plastibell
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Under 18
Approximate Cost(s): $500-$600 for under 12 weeks, $1435-$3000 for older children
Website: https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/mcmaster-childrens-hospital/
Email/Phone Contact: sissoa1@mcmaster.ca / 905-521-2100 ex 73777
City: Milton
Name of Physician: Dr. Glen Hunter
Techniques/Services: Plastibell
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://www.miltoncentreforwomenshealth.com/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-587-2280
City: Milton
Name of Physician: Dr. Shazia Latif
Techniques/Services: Plastibell
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://miltonhealthcentre.com
Email/Phone Contact: 905-693-6400
City: Newcastle
Name of Physician: Dr. Aubrey Kassirer
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): $250-350
Website: https://newcastlemedical.ca
Email/Phone Contact: 905-987-1896
City: London
Name of Physician: Dr. Usamah Mohammed, Dr. Afzal Mohammed
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): $300
Website: N/A
Email/Phone Contact: 519-690-2806 Ext. 1
City: Oakville
Name of Physician: Dr. John Henein
Techniques/Services: Mogen & Gomco Clamp
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): $300-400
Website: https://circumcisionoakville.com
Email/Phone Contact: 289-837-4747
City: Ottawa
Name of Physician: Dr. Aftab Shariff
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp
Age Range: Infants, max 6 months
Approximate Cost(s): $300-500
Email/Phone Contact: 613-728-5437
City: Ottawa
Name of Physician: Dr. Mohamad Akil
Techniques/Services: Mogen Clamp
Age Range: Infants, Children
Approximate Cost(s): $350-750
Website: https://ottawacircumcision.com
Email/Phone Contact: 613-797-2472
City: Richmond Hill
Name of Physician: Dr. Jeff Weisbrot
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://www.richmondhillchildrensclinic.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-737-9898
City: London & St Thomas
Name of Physician: Dr. Syed Tariq Ahmed
Techniques/Services: Gomco Clamp
Age Range: Newborns up to 4 weeks of age
Approximate Cost(s): $250 for the hospital, $200 for the physician
Website: https://www.sickkids.ca/en/care-services/clinics/circumcision-clinic/
Email/Phone Contact: 519-637-8074, office@elginpaediatric.ca
City: Scarborough
Name of Physician: Dr. Waheed Khan, Dr. Suleiman Furmli
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://townclinic.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: info@townclinic.ca/ 416-792-2654
City: Markham
Name of Physician: Dr. Dr.Tahmoures Bahrami
Techniques/Services: Mogan Clamp for infant, sleeve and dorsal slit techniques for older boys and adults
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
Approximate Cost(s): Infants under 4 weeks: $350
Website: torontosafecircumcision.com
Email/Phone Contact: 905-475-2506
City: Oakville
Name of Physician: Dr. Peter Incze
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://www.trafalgarmedicalclinic.com/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-842-1393
City: Vaughan
Name of Physician: Dr. Richard Hamat
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): $300
Website: https://vaughanpeds.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: 905-850-3250
City: Windsor
Name of Physician: Dr. Dr. Omar Afandi
Techniques/Services: Plastibell
Age Range: Infants
Approximate Cost(s): $300
Website: www.wekidzpediatrics.com/
Email/Phone Contact: Info@wekidzpediatrics.com
City: Montreal
Name of Physician: Dr. Mohamed El-Sherbiny
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): $200+
Website: N/A
Email/Phone Contact: N/A
City: Montreal
Name of Physician: Dr. Mohamed El-Sherbiny
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: N/A
Approximate Cost(s): $200+
Website: N/A
Email/Phone Contact: N/A
City: Montreal
Name of Physician: N/A
Techniques/Services: N/A
Age Range: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults, Frenectomy
Approximate Cost(s): N/A
Website: https://www.circoncisionmontreal.ca/
Email/Phone Contact: info@circumcisionmontreal.ca/514-685-0933